Thursday, November 28, 2019

In The Novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee, The Author Comment

In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the author comments on life. Specifically, Harper Lee comments on racism and true courage. Racism is the first subject that the author comments on. It is obvious from her writing that she feels racism is that it is wrong. This is displayed in several ways. The best example of racism is the trial of Tom Robinson. Tom received a guilty verdict even though he was innocent. The white jury convicted him for the sole reason that he is black. Another example of racism is that fact the black children were not educated. Only the white children of Maycomb were granted the right to go to school. Another example of racism is the way people acted at Calpurnia's church. Unlike the other examples of racism described, this is not white vs. black discrimination, but black vs. white racism. Lula, a member of the First Purchase Church, thought that Jem and Scout should not be there because of the fact that they are white. She was very open about expressing this opinion. True courage is another aspect of life that Harper Lee comments on. Her comment is that true courage is when a person begins something, even though they are already licked. True courage is displayed by Atticus Finch. Atticus showed this by the fact that he defended a black man to the best of his ability, even though the majority of people in the town were against him. He defended Tom and created reasonable doubt. He put his reputation on the line for what he believed. Mrs. Dubose, an elderly neighbor, also displayed true courage. She demonstrated true courage by the fact that she tried to beat her addiction even though it meant dying in pain. As can be seen, the author comments on racism and true courage. Her comments are that racism is wrong and true courage is beginning something even though you are guaranteed a loss.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Le Noble Chevalier contre le Ballon Monstrueux †French 4 Essay

Le Noble Chevalier contre le Ballon Monstrueux – French 4 Essay Free Online Research Papers Le Noble Chevalier contre le Ballon Monstrueux french 4 essay On se trouve ici, au milieu de Founders Park, sur l’emplacement dun grand monument qui commà ©morera ceux que le nom de cet endroit honore – ceux qui ont à ©tabli notre facultà © il y a 125 ans. Ce sont eux qui ont en fait le droit de juger ce quon crà ©e en leur honneur, mà ªme sils ne vivent plus, car les à ©tudiants et les professeurs de cette università © ont la responsabilità © de parler leur nom, de dà ©fendre leurs idà ©es du savoir. On nous prà ©sente deux propositions qui marqueraient cet anniversaire: une noble statue dun ours californien avec un soldat de Troie sur son beau cheval, et un à ©norme ballon de football amà ©ricain. Il est à ©vident que celle-l honorerait le legs de la facultà ©, tandis que celle-ci ne pourrait que linsulter. On ne peut pas douter du fait que la statue de lancienne icà ´ne de notre à ©cole et des animaux est de loin le monument le plus approprià ©. Le chevalier de Troie est un symbole qui reprà ©sente toutes les facettes du caractà ¨re mà ©taphorique de là ©tudiant idà ©al quont prà ©vu les fondateurs. Le cheval sappelle le Savoir, sur lequel le jeune guerrier lutte contre les dà ©fis de son à ©poque, sur lequel il dà ©pend pour savancer vers la rà ©ussite. Il est fort – il lutte, mais il ne se rend pas avant sa mort. Et cà ´tà © de lui, il y a lours qui reprà ©sente cet à ©tat, la Californie, oà ¹ se trouvent tant doccasions et tant de beautà ©s qui attendent dà ªtre dà ©couvertes par les savants de cette facultà ©. Mais certains croient quil vaudrait mieux quon fasse un ballon monstrueux de football amà ©ricain pour honorer lhistoire de luniversità ©. Que cest ridicule! On passerait par ce parc chaque jour en voyant le jouet massif qui ressemble un ventre ballonnà © – il nous rendrait malades. La grande chose ridicule naurait ni valeur historique ni beautà © ( moins quon puisse trouver beau le bà ©ton simulant la peau de porc). Si on tient croire que le ballon reprà ©sente quelque chose dhistorique (notre à ©quipe de football), il faut considà ©rer ce quoi pensaient les fondateurs quand ils ont crà ©Ãƒ © la facultà ©: la culture du savoir – non pas la culture du corps. Le ballon devrait se trouver dans le jardin dun garà §on, pas dans une università ©. Cest le temps de se dà ©cider pour le monument qui honorera le mieux lhistoire de cette facultà ©. Il faut se souvenir du fait que ce monument restera toujours sur cet emplacement et quil nous rendra chaque jour soit fiers soit honteux. Il faut se souvenir des fondateurs, de leurs souhaits. Pour les honorer, on doit choisir la noble statue du chevalier de Troie et lours de la Californie. On ne peut quespà ©rer que lidà ©e de là ©norme ballon de foot tombera en oubli. Research Papers on Le Noble Chevalier contre le Ballon Monstrueux - French 4 EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtThe Hockey GameAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Definition of Export QuotasThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementResearch Process Part One

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Emerging areas of Social Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Emerging areas of Social Software - Essay Example Actually we have reached here through a long and gaining experience for hundreds of years in broadcast media. The experience was gained through printing press and broadcasting through radio and Television. We had earlier the communication technique such as telephone and telegraph before email and other electronic media came into existence. The vast experience gained through these personal or one-to-one way of communications or social communication through radio, TV etc help us in quickly adopting these new social software through which a fast communication through Internet takes place. The Major social software: Now we have all three types of communication i.e. one-to-one way of communication (instant messages, email), one-to-many way of communication (blogs) and many-to-many way of communication (wikies). Let us see how the three ways of communication takes place. a) Instant Messaging (One-to-one communication): Instant messaging is a one-to-one way of communication and by this techniques a person can communicate with other person privately over a network. The major instant messaging provider includes skype, yahoo messenger, and msn messenger, ICQ etc. The system highlights a group of people if they are online and thus you need to have the email id of the person to know whether he or she is online. You can open any instant communication to any of the person whose status is online. These are very simple to use and people can communicate with each other in almost real time across the globe. b) Blogs (0ne-to-many): Blogs and websites are the examples of one-to-many way of communication are becoming more and more popular. Many people write blogs and the readers of these blogs can post their views about the topic. There are a large number of people having their blogs on the net. Some of the common blog websites includes blogspot and livejournal. c) Wikies (Many-to-many): Wikies are the excellent examples of many-to-many way of communication. Here in wikies a person can edit the content written by another writer. So, a number of people can write and edit the contents available on the websites. The examples of these websites include Metballwiki, Wikipedia and Wiktionary. d) VoIP: VoIP or voice over Internet protocol is also termed as Internet telephony or IP telephony. In VoIP the voice is routed through IP based networks and requires a broadband and therefore it is also termed as broadband telephony or voice over broadband. The voice over IP protocols are used to communicate voice between two users and these services are very cheap and even a VoIP to VoIP phone calls is either free or costs too less. There are lots of advantages of VoIP over dialed PSTN and some of these includes incoming calls are automatically routed to your VoIP even when you are out of town, VoIP work from anywhere with a reliable Internet connection, mobile VoIP facilities and many more. The main difficulty with VoIP is that you can not send fax from it (Wikipedia, undated). Emerging Trends in social software: The major advantage of social software in Community gain: There

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Popular Culture (4-2) Class Participation Assignment

Popular Culture (4-2) Class Participation - Assignment Example The way that John’s character unfolds and is portrayed also affected the way I thought about him. The movie builds and revolves around him in such a manner that I started connecting with the character. The fact that he was a cop and was a sober man also helped in recognizing him as a hero. He showed signs of being a good natured, stable, modest and no-nonsense man. All theses qualities assured me as John’s character being central and that of a hero. The film was released in 1988 and was an American action Film. And I feel that how the hero is portrayed in a movie, to a good extent is dependent on what the viewers want to see. This was the time when people wanted to see the character of hero being a common man with whom the audience could relate to and this trend still continues. The action movies during that time were completely a one-man show, though there used to be a back-up provided for the hero from other characters but in all indirect means. Till this time people expected a little more realistic planning and thinking from the hero. Therefore, the character of John McClane showed no signs of being a perfect and extremely skilled guy but still somehow being able to sort out everything in the end in a smart way and in his own

Monday, November 18, 2019

Aspects of Psychology Unit 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aspects of Psychology Unit 5 - Essay Example A good example for this stage is Homer and Marge Simpson. They show much affection and caring for their children and these parental acts are the general scenario of Generativity. It is the Simpson’s family that embodies sentiments of affection, caring, greed, self-indulgence, self-centeredness, and lack of enthusiasm in individuals, and the larger world. Integrity versus Despair As defined by Erikson (1997), integrity is a feeling of peace. No melancholies or accusations. The connection between the stages is possibly more evident here than anywhere else: individuals are more likely to reexamine their lives enthusiastically and contentedly if they have made a difference to the world (Erikson, Erikson & Kivnick, 1986), like Warren Schmidt. Schmidt’s personality embodies acceptance and Integrity. However, Schmidt also embodies the opposite nature when he shows feelings of regrets and missed opportunities, or what Erikson refers to as Despair. This stage is an excellent win dow through which an individual can reexamine his/her life—prior to reaching old age (Erikson et al. 1986). Fortunately these days for numerous individuals it is usually possible to make amends, even in the midst of despair. A Study Supporting ‘Generativity versus Stagnation’ According to the study of Kenneth Coll and colleagues (2006) on the psychosocial development of adolescent offender, enhancing generativity and lessening stagnation methods require integrating the five therapeutic exercise of John Bowlby for developing stronger relationship. Basically, the study supports Erikson’s theory by stating that providing an individual a stable foundation to examine a variety of depressing and difficult life features, promoting considerations of means where in to experience relationships with existing major figures, supporting analysis of each relationship linked to building sympathy for the other individual’s ideas, promoting consideration of how exist ing ideas and anticipations emerge from childhood experiences and the embedded meanings from others, and aiding to understand that the detrimental self-realizations are rooted in negative experience and can be altered. A Study Supporting ‘Integrity versus Despair’ According to the study of Kylie Rylands and Debra Rickwood (2001) on ‘the effect of accepting the past on depression in older women’ accepting the past, just like what Erikson argued, was a significant way to reduce depression in people, particularly in older people. The comparative strength of the ego-integrity process of later-life personality, as actualized by making amends of the past, was experimented as a determinant of depression in a multivariate approach consisting of other quite recognized determinants, such as negative and positive affectivity, physical reliance, social assistance, and age. References Coll, K.M., Thobro, P. & Haas, R. (2006). ‘Outcome Evaluation of Adolescent Offe nder Psychosocial Development: A Comparative Study’. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 45(2), 208+ Erikson, E., Erikson, J.M., & Kivnick, H.Q. (1986). Vital Involvement in Old Age. New York: W.W. Norton. Erikson, E. & Erikson, J. (1997). The Life Cycle Completed. New York: W.W. Norton. Ewen, R.B. (2003). An Introduction to Theories of Personality. Mahwah,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Apples Ethics And Supplier Code Of Conduct

Apples Ethics And Supplier Code Of Conduct Apple, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. Apple surpassed the software giant Microsoft, in May 2010 and secured the reputation of the largest and one of the most valuable companies of the era. The company operates 301 retail stores scattered across ten different countries as per August 2010. Its traditionally well known for its Mackintosh line of personal computers. As years passed by, Apple has gained a significance amount of reputation in the global market by the introductions of products such as iPad, iPhone and the latest introduced iPad. The following throws light on Apples supplier responsibility program, its code of ethics and also the controversy it was recently involved with electronic leader, Foxconn. Company Perspectives Apple Inc. is devoted to creating the finest music and personal computing experience for every single one of its users, from students to educators, business professionals to government officials and other consumers by means of ground-breaking hardware, software, internet offerings, peripherals, and services. Apples business approach powers its distinctive ability, through the design and progression of its personal operating system, hardware, and countless technologies and software applications, to provide its customers with the latest creations and simple solutions through outstanding innovative industrial design. Company History Before being able to produce some of the finest computer products we have nowadays, Apple went through countless processes and hurdles. Apple was established in 1976 by two college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Also part of the team was Ronald Wayne, who was older and had personal assets of his own. Waynes uncertainty of the company worried him about the risk of investing his assets, and resulted with him selling his share back to Wozniak and Jobs for $800. That same share of the company would be worth over 3 billion dollars today (Linzmayer, 2011). The main objective of starting the company was to sell their first invention, The Apple I, which took place on January 3rd, 1977. It was successful for use at the time as it only included the most important parts: a straightforward motherboard plus CPU, RAM and very simple textual-video chips. Only a few months later, The Apple II was released during April, 1977. By the end of 1978, the United States saw Apple to be one of the fastest-emerging companies having its products available through 100 dealers. Apples development continued to grow with more and more developments and by December 1980, the company went public. Within only minutes, 4.6 million shares were sold at $22 each (Linzmayer, 2011). The company was formerly recognized as Apple Computer Inc., for the first 30 years, but later removed computer from its name to reflect its expansion into consumer electronics and wanted a better portrayal as a lifestyle powerhouse rather than just personal computers. It continued to produce some of its popular products today including the Macintosh line of computers, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. Apples attitude towards comprehensive artistic design as well as its unique advertising operations is just a few of many reasons why the company has created a distinctive reputation in todays computer industry (Linzmayer, 2011) Products Apples super stylish and exclusive product line has allowed it to create a distinct name for itself. Some of the popular Apple products include: iMac It is the vibrant and stylish all-in-one Macintosh desktop computer that offers a variety of features including a very rich desktop experience. The first model of the iMac that was released was the G3, and the latest iMac released towards the end of 2009. The new iMac comes with a smooth, professional look that redefined Apples known all in one model. iPod Touch The main turning point for Apples iPod line was the iPod Touch. It has been a massive success and customers are loyal to this brand as the company continues to update the device with the latest features. iPod Touch 3G is the latest of the model. iPhone The entire smart phone industry was revolutionized on June 29, 2007 when the iPhone was released. It was labeled by many to be the years best invention. Since the launch of the iPhone 4, 3 million units have been sold. Within the first weekend, 1.7 million were sold. iPad The product causing a lot of todays buzz is the iPad. 300000 units for sold on day one. It would be classified somewhat between a phone and a laptop. Users no longer have to choose between toys or tool as the iPad has all the technologies and features for both work and fun. Apples ethics: Controversies exist whenever a firm becomes big. We cannot really judge the actions of a firm as its just not one person who is in control. A firm consists of ethical and unethical employees. One of the most famous ethical dilemmas faced by apple was the Foxconn case. We would be looking at what apple has done to fix it in the next segment while right now we would be looking at some of the ethical and unethical practices at apple. Apple has raised its ethical standards due to a lot of pressures by outside parties. Apple was not considered ethical due to the issues that arose in china. However there were ethical standards that applied to people working at apple as it didnt flourish and become a billion dollar company just like that (Hyatt, 2010) Ethical codes of conduct are the basis of a company a company cannot exist without it as there would be no direction, motivation or discipline. Apple has separate ethical standards for employees at different rankings due to the fact that every position requires something different and each has specific criteria. Apple targets reasons that lead to unethical behavior and works on them so that they dont arise in the company. The code focuses on: Conflicts of interest, confidentiality, proper use and protection of the companys records and assets, insider trading, fair dealing, and reporting of illegal and unethical behavior .All the points are self explanatory. One of the main things that are encouraged at apple is feedback. Supervisors are expected to help workers understand and require them to provide feedback as it not only helps the supervisor understand the areas at which the workers lacks comprehending but also encourages and in turn motivates them (ILO, 2008). While the responsibi lity of officials like the president, chief executive officer and senior financial officers is to make sure that the company runs in accordance to the legal requirements and also to make sure that each violation is dealt with in an appropriate manner so as to make sure that the mistake is not made again (ILO, 2008). Apple is constantly changing so its policies get updated. It applied a policy called ranking and rating in which the sales metrics of the employees were hung up so that everyone could see. Even though the salary of the employees was not commission based it helped senior officials, as they could now see which workers werent selling much (Spence, 2010). The officials then tried looking for the root cause of the problem and provided training to those workers. This was one approach by apple to motivate but obviously some critics did think that it is not very effective. But the idea of trying and coming up with ways to make this better should be admirable (Hyatt, 2011)Â   Apples supplier code of conduct: Apple is holding suppliers accountable The reputation of apple has been drastically bruised due to its suppliers. Foxconn is one of the major supplier of apples products and the management practice there was put into the spotlight when workers started committing suicide. Steve Jobs was put a lot of pressure due to this as the public demanded an answer. He responded to this by the formation of a detailed supplier code of conduct. It covered expectations in these areas: management systems, labour and human rights, impact on the environment, ethics, health and safety (Hyatt, 2011). Management systems: Workers are required to be trained and well informed. It should be made sure that they provide feedback. Third party audits to eliminate chances of fraud and also to implement new and improved policies. A corrective action process in which mistakes are corrected and the process is then again followed up (Hyatt, 2011). Documentation and records are required to be checked by the management regularly and company policies are to be applied to the suppliers (Spence, 2010). Labor and human rights: Suppliers should make sure that they do not discriminate labor on the basis of things like sexual orientation or race. They should not hire underage workers, provide benefits and incentives, protect juvenile workers, be fair in treatment and do not require them to work for long periods as this is the main cause of strain and demotivation. Works should also not be required to pay large sums of money to employment agencies and wages should be sufficient. Impact on the environment: Suppliers are required to take permits when dealing with something that requires permission from the government. They should also dispose of their air, water and solid waste in such a manner that it doesnt harm the environment. And make sure that they do not dispose of toxic or hazardous substances (Hyatt, 2011). Health and safety: Workers should not be required to do things would be looked at as a health or safety risk for them. They should be given proper food as well as living space. There should also be worker health and safety committees on the premises (ILO, 2011) Ethics: Important documentation should be protected and there should be a degree of conditionality between the company and the supplier so they can easily disclose information to one another. Complaints should be taken into account and action should be taken immediately. Foxconn International Holdings Ltd. Foxconn International Holdings Ltd. is a multinational subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Co Ltd., a Taiwanese company that is the worlds largest maker of electronic components (The Circuit Assembly Top 50 EMS Companies, 2009). According to the 2010 Fortune Global 500 Companies, Foxconn secured the 112th rank overall earning a profit of 2,291.7 and revenue of 59323.9 million dollars (Fortune Global 500, 2010). The companys primary focus was on providing vertically integrated manufacturing services for the handset industry. Foxconns employee count reaches more than half a million in China alone (Eyck, 2010). The founder of the company is Terry Gou, a billionaire, and has made Foxconn the worlds largest manufacturer of printed circuit boards spreading all over Asia, Europe and America. The majority of the companys sales to Asian customers is attributed to the Peoples Republic of China. The operational activities of the company are primarily located in China, then the United States, Mexico and other countries (Buetow, 2010). Foxconn Controversies Foxconn in the recent past has been involved in manufacturing in large quantities products for Apple viz., the iPod, iPad and the iPhone. Being one of the most renowned companies in the world, Foxconn has been involved in controversies mainly on how to manage employees (Jones, 2010). These initiated with the set-up of the Apple factory in Shenzhen, China. Apple was all over the news around the first week of Feb 10 not only for its sensational launch of the iPad, but also because of the high number of worker suicide in its Foxconn factory. Amidst all this, 12 Foxconn workers have already ended their lives this year, by jumping of the multi-story dormitories they live in or from the building during the very short duration of rest which they were given (Eyck, 2010). This crisis has urged the company to install safety nets in between the buildings as 20 more were stopped from killing themselves by the company authorities. At Longhua, there was a highly charged. This is because approximately 350,000 workers eat and otherwise live there, and during their protests, they had started chanting an insulting chant at Foxconn. The president of Foxconn, after heavy negotiations, said that the company would plan to move a significant portion of its workforce to a Western part of China, where they will be closer to their families. The case had become so out of control that the people who lived on the company premises had started calling the factory a Death Express. Management also had taken some steps toward controlling this phenomen on, such as creating a suicide hotline, and bringing monks to counter forces of evil. The Foxconn Empire employs about a million people, in the city of Shenzhen, across the city of Hong Kong. The premises of the industry contain 15 manufacturing buildings and they have dedicated one building to each customer. It was in these buildings where the suicides took place. The company made public a statement where it said that they have avoided a further 20 suicides. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple upon hearing about the tragedy said that he found this incident very troubling and also mentioned that Apple always strives to provide the best jobs in a company with regard to understanding the working condition under the companys supply chain. There has been an alarming increase in the number of suicides, whose reasons are still not apparent. The culture of the workforce at Foxconn has been described as being run similar to a military. (Moore, 2010). Foxconns Unethical Management Working conditions The main reason for Foxconn being under the spotlight was because of its unethical management and working conditions which has been considered as the root cause of the deaths and suicides in the past one year. A report recently explains the toiling and the exhaustion caused by 12-hour shifts, workers prohibited from talking or interacting with co-workers and the pressure of just-in-time production in order to meet the high demand (Eyck, 2010). SACOM held a protest on the 8th of June which was the same day Apple launched its iPhone4. The demand of the protests initiated by the activists was to boycott all the Foxconn products (Eyck, 2010). Furthermore, a Chinese undercover team, filtered through the Longhua plant and gave the reporters they entire scenario of the industry. They reported by stating that the facilities were adequate but highly criticized their management. Hundreds of people work in the workshops and did not have the permission to even talk to their colleagues.. If so found, they would get a black mark on their record, be shouted at by their manager or even be fined. The report was followed adding Foxconns laying off of more than ten thousand workers due to the financial downturn and had been pressured to meet up with the demand for the Apple iPad due to its monumental success (Moore, 2010). The iPad appears to have placed immense strain on Foxconn workers which resulted in them in quitting jobs at the rate of 15,000 a month (Robins, 2010). The workers in the factory need practice to become really efficient and the new staff has to keep up. The workers that were asked about the working conditions stated that their hands would still keep on twitching when they are not working and mimic the motion as they were not able to relax their minds (Chang, 2010). The workers worked for an average of 120 hours per month, exceeding the limit set by Apply by 70 hours (Moore, 2010). Foxconn management style was regarded as severe and obstructed the code of ethics for managing employees. Apple therefore was urged upon to take appropriate steps if they were concerned about the health and safety of the workers (Crothall, 2010). Nevertheless, Apple has taken this issue into strict consideration and has urged Foxconn to do the same. These tragedies threw a very undesirable spotlight on the labor practices of Foxconn. After a few months of this incident, Foxconn has pledged to enhance work conditions, increase the pay, take into consideration of allowing workers to live closer to their homes aswell as reduce overtime hours. Conclusion Apple Inc. regardless of the recent controversies with Foxconn has reacted well and taken action in this regard under the guidance of Steve Jobs. After tremendous pressure from the labor organization in China, Steve Jobs has given this matter of utmost importance and high priority. Nevertheless, the situation in the province of Longhua has shown to improve. The Labor Department has agreed upon increasing the wages and to provide better facilities to the workers all around. Apple has lived up to its reputation of living up to its strong supplier responsibility program and its supplier code of conduct.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Louisbourg Report :: essays research papers

The Fortress Of Louisbourg   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In all of North America, you will not find a more power fortress than Louisbourg. It was said to be indestructible, but was proven otherwise on a number of occasions. Established in 1713 and located on Northern Cape Breton Island, Louisbourg was not only a fortress but a major commercial center as well. Louisbourg was originally known as Port St. Louis, and its main purpose was protecting Quebec and Montreal by guarding the entrance to the St. Lawrence River against hostile ships. The other main job for Louisbourg was serving as a base for the cod fishing industry. French fishing ships could come to Louisbourg to unload their catch instead of taking it all the way back to France. This arrangement saved time and money and allowed the ships to catch more fish in a season, since they didn’t have to make the long trip back to France with each load. However, Louisbourg was also sending out raiding parties to attack New England villages along the coast. The New Englanders soon heard of the mutiny at Louisbourg, so the villages decided to fight back against this threat. In 1745, 4000 New Englanders, along with the Royal Navy, launched an attack against the fortress, but Louisbourg didn’t think them of as a threat. Louisbourg thought that the New Englanders wou ld not be able to launch a serious attack with any kind of heavy artillery, since they attacked the weak rear side, travelling over marshy, wooded areas to reach the fort. The people of Louisbourg were wrong, however, as the New Englanders did indeed manage to bring in artillery over the marshy terrain. Had Louisbourg attacked the New Englanders now with their entire garrison, the English may very well have turned and ran, but they chose to attack from within their walls with only muskets. This allowed the English to pound the fort with their cannons, as well as exchange musket fire with the French. Since the Royal Navy prevented the bringing in of supplies and reinforcements, Louisbourg was soon forced to surrender to the New Englanders, who banished the French back to France.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The War of the Austrian Succession, which began in 1940 in Europe, ended in 1948 with the signing of the Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle. As part of this treaty, Cape Breton Island, along with Louisbourg, is returned to France, outraging the New Englanders who fought so hard to take it just 3 years earlier.